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  • Writer's pictureFood for the Heart

A reflection on batch #3

Date: Sunday, 7 June 2020

Distribution area: Cilincing

Cooking is definitely not an easy task! Especially when you have to cook 120 meals all at once! It’s not a simple task at all, one that should not be underestimated.

Since this was the third time cooking for people in need, I was definitely more prepared in terms of cooking and was able to cook the foods at a much faster speed and with more ease than the first two previous batches.

However, cooking in the morning is definitely tiring as I was not fully awake yet. Furthermore, since we aim to not only provide healthy nutritious but also fresh meals, I ordered the tempehs and tahus to be delivered on the same exact day with the cooking date, as to preserve the quality of the food. Unfortunately, this time, the suppliers came to my house at a much later time than they usually do. Hence instead of cooking at 7 am, I could only start at 8:45 am. And since the food had to be delivered by 12 pm to my friend, Caitlyn, who is in charge of packing the foods and delivering it to the Atmabrata nursing home, which was the location we were giving the food to, it was almost impossible to finish cooking all 120 meals.

Lucky for me, I had an amazing support system who supported and encouraged me all the way - my family! I am beyond grateful to my family who sacrificed their sleep to wake up early in the morning and helping me cook the tempeh and tahus. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to deliver the food items on time. Not to mention, being able to cook with my family made me realise how lucky I am to have someone who still cares for me and reminded me how short life is. You can either spend it with your loved ones or choose otherwise. However, this is not the luxury people in nursing homes have. The grandpas and grandmas living in the nursing home no longer have any family members that they can spend time and cherish with, hence they may be feeling sad or a bit down. However, despite no longer having blood-related families, by cooking them food through this food for the heart project, I would like to express to them that there are still people out there who care!

All in all, I am beyond grateful for being given this opportunity to help make people’s lives better and would like to sincerely thank everyone who has donated money to our cause, as we embark on this journey to fight this COVID-19 pandemic together and make the world a better place!

Written by: Janice Dermawan

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