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Batch 9- A Batch Full of Happiness

Date: Monday, 21 June 2021

Distribution Area: Yayasan As-Shofiani Ahmadi, Bekasi

Unlike our usual cooking batches, this time we decided to donate sembako supplies. Even though this might seem more straightforward than cooking, this batch has faced its own challenges. As a relatively new member of Food for the Heart Jakarta, this is the first batch I planned with minimal supervision from the senior members. At first, I felt nervous, yet excited with the amount of responsibility given. Fortunately, we were able to carry out this batch as planned, successfully donating 100 kgs of rice, 5 kgs of salt, 20 kgs of sugar, 12 litres of oil, and 200 pieces of Indomie.

As Covid-19 cases in Jakarta is currently at its highest, we weren’t able to distribute meal boxes or sembako packages to people in villages and nursing homes, one by one as usual. Hence, as an alternative, we tried to donate sembako supplies to an orphanage. When searching for an orphanage to donate to, I remembered reading about Yayasan Al Shofiani Ahmadi, an orphanage that recently and unfortunately experienced mass food poisoning. Thus, we decided to donate to them, wanting to give as much help as we can.

The most challenging part of this batch was comparing the prices of the supplies between different suppliers, as we wanted to donate as many supplies as we could with the limited amount of budget we had. After going to different traditional markets and browsing different online suppliers, we decided to buy the sembako supplies online. Initially, we planned to carry out this batch on Saturday, instead of Monday. However, there were delays in the shipment of the supplies, which were out of our control. Luckily, the supplies arrived at Patricia’s house on Sunday, and we were able to donate on Monday, without postponing for too long.

I was partly disappointed that I couldn’t distribute the sembako supplies in person as well as interact with the children in the orphanage. I hope that one day, I’d be able to physically go and distribute the donations with the other members. But until that day comes, I’ll continue to cook and donate supplies to those in need. Nonetheless, I’m grateful for this opportunity to help others, none of these batches would have been possible without your generous donations!

Here are some warm smiles from Yayasan Al Shofiani Ahmadi! I hope these can make your day as they made mine!

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