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Our Seventh Batch of Donations!

Date: Sunday, 4 October 2020

Distribution Area: Cilincing

On Sunday, 4th October of 2020, we donated 150 meals to the Cilincing area. This is our third batch donating to the area, as we feel that the Cilincing Community is in need of our help. I am a new member of the team that recently joined, so this is my first batch fundraising and cooking with the team. I felt really excited, yet nervous at the same time.

For this batch, my job was to fry a total of 150 eggs. I set my alarm clock at 7 a.m. in the morning, but unfortunately, I overslept by 30 minutes. Waking up, I panicked as I knew that I had to cook and send the eggs to Hannah's house before 10.30 a.m. I am not a morning person, so waking up early during the weekends is not something that I would normally do. However, I knew that this was an important day, thus I tried to fight my laziness.

Frying eggs wasn't something out of the ordinary for me, but I struggled quite a bit at first. It was still early in the morning and my patience was wearing thin. I cooked the eggs when the frying pan was not hot enough and didn't use enough oil. As a result, the first few eggs did not turn out like what I expected. It also took so long for me to cook each egg. Luckily, after some time I finally got a hang of it and started to work faster. I am also really glad to see my family being supportive of this project and helped me cook even though it was still very early.

After the long hours in the kitchen, I finally managed to finish cooking all 150 eggs. Packing the eggs into containers to be delivered to Hannah's house was really satisfying to do. However, I couldn't wait for those in Cilincing to receive and consume our meals!

All of us managed to send the food to Hannah's house and the meals were distributed to Cilincing during the afternoon. I was downhearted that I could not distribute my first batch in person to the community due to the COVID-19 situation. However, seeing the pictures of those who received our meals really made my day, and I hope we made theirs. I hope that it won't be long until we see the light at the end of the tunnel, as this COVID-19 situation has negatively impacted all of us, especially those with poor income.

To end this, I want to thank everyone that help donated. This batch wouldn't be possible without all of your generous donations. Lastly, I want to thank all of the team members and my family that help supported me from the fundraising until the distribution of the meals. I can't wait to help more communities during our future batches!

Written by: Natasha Chen

Warm Smiles From Cilincing Village :)

For more updates, follow @foodfortheheartglobal on Instagram

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