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  • Writer's pictureCaitlyn Hutabarat

Jakarta Branch's First Batch of Donations!

Updated: Aug 31, 2020

Date: Sunday, 10 May 2020

Distribution area: Marunda

The alarm clock rang at 4 a.m. in the morning, snapping me out of my sleep. With drowsy eyes, I dragged myself to the kitchen to cook the first batch of rice out of many. As I waited for the rice to cook, I started folding up the rest of the paper boxes that I have not finished the night before. All four of us that are part of the Jakarta branch were undoubtedly quite excited to start cooking our first batch of meals. With approximately a month full of preparation, discussions, and fundraising, I was extremely glad that we can finally start donating!

My morning was rather busy, what with having to cook multiple batches of rice, organising food boxes, and waiting for my teammates to send the food that they have cooked to my house. In a world without COVID-19, all of us would probably meet up at one of our houses to pack the food packages together. But of course, being a luxury that we do not have at the moment, we tried to make things work either way. At 12 p.m. me and three other people at my house started to distribute and arrange all components of the food box. Although we had a few problems such as a slight shortage of rice and some of the food arriving late, we managed to finish everything in a little over two and a half hours. We then packed all 150 of the food boxes into big cardboard boxes and made our way to Marunda, where we will be donating them.

Although I did not get to meet many of the people living in the slum area directly, I did get to see their living conditions. From this, I learned to be thankful for all that I have and to help out those in need by doing what I can. The people in Marunda were grateful for our donation which was definitely not possible without the help of our donors. Thank you to those who helped us and everyone who contributed to our cause. We are incredibly excited about our next batches! ❤️

Written by: Caitlyn Hutabarat

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